The Girl Who Cried Wolf

I wasn’t one of those kids who knew exactly what they wanted to be and do right after high school and being that I dropped out, I just kind of went with the flow. I’d apply for a job and I would get it, but I only applied for jobs I knew or thought I would like to try. One of those jobs was working at a local walgreens. I learned everything you possibly could from each department, the only thing left was, manager. I wasn’t interested in becoming a manager because I didn’t want all the responsibility that came along with it. I enjoyed being out in the store and watching all the different people come and go. I remember one night, it was pretty slow and I was the only cashier up front and Sam was stocking shelves and the manager was in his office. A gal came to my register to purchase her items. She was asking me some questions about cigarettes, which were right behind me. She wanted to look at a few different packs because she couldn’t remember what kind she was supposed to buy. So I turn around and I’m looking for the cigarettes she asked for and when I turn around, there’s like three other customers waiting in line. I’m thinking, “Where the heck did they come from”? Well, this gal couldn’t seem to make up her mind and I’m trying to be as patient as possible while apologizing and telling the others that I’ll be right with them. This gal is kind of flaky and kept asking to see different kinds of cigarettes thinking that maybe by looking at the packs she’ll recognize it. Meanwhile, my line is getting longer and customers are now starting to get impatient. I try to tell the gal to let me finish ringing her up so that I could help the other customers real quick and then I’d continue to help her with her “dilemma”. She didn’t want that because she said it would be like her having to go to the back of the line. True. But, these other customers were starting to voice their frustrations and my anxiety just busted through the door like Rambo. Calmness and patience has left the building. Without really thinking, I picked up the intercom phone and yelled, HELP!! Instead of asking for a second cashier. All of a sudden, the manager and Sam come racing to my register. The manager asks me what was wrong and I told him I needed a second cashier. He looked at me like, Really?! That’s it?? Sam jumped on a register and got the customers taken care of. Finally, the gal says she just can’t remember and she didn’t want to get the wrong pack so she’d be back later. Are you effin kidding me right now. Oh my gosh!!! I wanted to jump over my counter on to her back and put her in a choke hold until she passed out. I was fuming. At the end of my shift, the manager had a talk with me about how I shouldn’t have yelled for help like that because they thought I was being robbed or something terrible was happening. I totally understood where he was coming from because after it was all said and done, I realized how bad that sounded over the intercom. I apologized to each of them and explained how my anxiety pretty much took over and my mouth could only utter the word, “Help”. They were very understanding, thank goodness. But I did see how fast they came to help me and the concern in their eyes kind of brought me back to reality. Lesson learned boys and girls. Lesson learned. The next day, some of the employees, ok, most of them would say, “Help”, whenever they would walk by me. Very funny jerks!!


  1. Shards Of DuBois

    LOL I feel your pain! We have several codes we use over the radio at work, (I’m a security officer) one is code blue, which is a medical and means all hands on deck…one is code 3 which means I have an idiot out of control trying to kill me, so come help, all hands on deck….. thus one night I had an old guy just fall like a tree right behind me, sounded like he broke his neck, so I called “code 3” and everyone showed up…like 9 big burly guys all looking at me like where’s the fight?? I was then quietly informed that is should have been a code blue by my boss, who laughed outright at me, but at least the EMT’s showed up too, so they helped me get the guy vertical again, and on his way home! so yea, now I’m “code 3…snicker snicker”! I’ve learned tho, no one teases you unless they like you! so it doesn’t bother me at all. the guys love me! I’m also known as “splash” for crawling through pee one night to help a woman!! which became “spongebob” when I cut my hair off into a bob… so I go with the flow… pun intended… hahaha

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hahaha. At least i dont feel so alone now. Damn codes!! Haha. Yeah, all my coworkers were really awesome. They teased me for a good while. A few of them would say, “Quick!! Whats the number to 911”? It was really funny afterwards. I didn’t get a cool name like you though. It was just, “HELP”, anytime they’d see me. Glad the guy was okay and all hands were on deck that night. I love work stories. Haha…


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