Officially An Adult

I am officially an adult!! What to do now? Nothing was different, I mean, I was pretty much on my own already. I’d go when I wanted to, stay out if I wanted to, drink, smoke, did what ever I felt like doing. Why is turning eighteen a big deal now. It really didn’t change anything. Hmmm. I guess it’s not that big of a deal after all. Waited all this time for that?! What a waste. Well, I guess it’s off to party. It is my eighteenth after all. Decided to go out with a few friends. I bought a big gulp soda from seven eleven and one of the friends had a bottle of Bacardi. Dumped more than half my soda and filled it back up with the liquor, put the lid back on and stuck the straw back in. I swear, I might as well have just put the damn straw in the bottle of Bacardi because that’s what it taste like, straight up Bacardi. Anyway, the cup was a disguise obviously so we could drive around while drinking and the cops wouldn’t suspect anything unless the driver was swerving or acting a fool. We decided liquor just wasn’t enough, we drove around looking to score a dime ($10 worth of weed). Found this straight up cracked out looking like beavis from beavis and butthead, missing teeth, whiter than white dude and we asked him if he was holding (had any on him) he said no all paranoid like, and we started to drive away. As we pulled out he ran to our car and said he’d give us a sample of what he usually sells. I guess it was from his own personal stash. We accepted it, parked, rolled it and smoked it. We were laughing, drinking, smoking, just having a good ol’ time. Now it’s late, I have to work tomorrow so we call it a night. On the way home, it hits me like I crashed into a brick wall or something. I’m hallucinating bad. Like straight up trippin’. I’m seeing all kinds of crazyness right before my eyes. I think I’m dying (I’m not, I’m just really effed up). All of sudden I’m at the hospital, turns out that weed was laced with LSD (acid). I was just having a really bad reaction to it. All that liquor we drank only heightened the situation. So, basically I was on some whole other next level type of high. They sobered me up enough to send me on my way. I don’t need to tell you that I didn’t make it to work the next day. Gave some lame excuse that I was sick, (cough, cough) not feeling good. You know, the usual, most common, everyday excuse why people don’t show up for work. Talked to my friends the next day and we had a good laugh, only because I didn’t end up dying after all. Hahaha. That was some crazy ish though. I still remember the haunting figures and ghost like images as if it just happened. Creepy!! Lesson learned.


  1. Shery Alexander Heinis

    Congratulations! Well, there are lots of responsibilities that come along with adulthood as well, as you’ll soon learn. It’s not easy, but hey, we’re here to learn and grow, right?


    • Yes, we do learn from our mistakes as I have learned and continue to learn. I’m well into adult hood now. This post is just part of my life story. Thanks for reading and commenting. I appreciate it.

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